Crafting The Past
29/50 Coney Street

29/50 Coney Street

From the Historic England website
Statutory Address:
National Grid Reference:
SE 60268 51780
SE6051NW CONEY STREET 1112-1/28/268 (North East side) No.50

House, now shop. Mid C19, with C20 shopfront. Painted brick with brick quoins and sill bands; corbelled brick eaves cornice to slate roof. EXTERIOR: 3-storey, 2-window front. First and second floor windows are 1-pane sashes with painted stone sills and 2-course brick sill bands, and segmental arches. Brick cornice on stepped brick corbels, between consoles capped with semicircular gablets. INTERIOR: not inspected. Included for group value as an integral part of this important historic street.

Listing NGR: SE6026851780

1823 Chemists Manufacturing Sutcliffe John, & druggists.

Fire, &c. Office Agents,  Engineer,

1829 Chymists & Druggists Sutcliffe Isabella  

1840 Chemists & Druggists Sutcliffe Isabella,  

1851 Daniel Wiggins Saddler

1861 Wiggins Daniel, saddler 

 1870 Deighton John, cork manufacturer
Sleight William, auctioneer and valuer

1872 Sleight William, auctioneer and valuer  

1876 Wragge and Swaby, fancy drapers and lace curtainmen 

 1885 Olley Chas. Tailor 

1886 Olley Chas. Tailor 

1889 Olley, C. P. tailor (see advt) 

1893 Maxwell James, tailor 

1895 Maxwell James, tailor 

1898 Maxwell, James, tailor 

1900 Maxwell, James, tailor 

1902 Maxwell, James, tailor 

1905 Maxwell James, tailor 

1913 Maxwell James, tailor  

1921 Samuel H. jeweller 

1929 Samuel H. Ltd. jewellers 

Chemists on Coney Street York