1823 Chemists Manufacturing Sutcliffe John, & druggists.
Fire, &c. Office Agents, Engineer,
1829 Chymists & Druggists Sutcliffe Isabella
1840 Chemists & Druggists Sutcliffe Isabella,
1851 Daniel Wiggins Saddler
1861 Wiggins Daniel, saddler
1870 Deighton John, cork manufacturer
Sleight William, auctioneer and valuer
1872 Sleight William, auctioneer and valuer
1876 Wragge and Swaby, fancy drapers and lace curtainmen
1885 Olley Chas. Tailor
1886 Olley Chas. Tailor
1889 Olley, C. P. tailor (see advt)
1893 Maxwell James, tailor
1895 Maxwell James, tailor
1898 Maxwell, James, tailor
1900 Maxwell, James, tailor
1902 Maxwell, James, tailor
1905 Maxwell James, tailor
1913 Maxwell James, tailor
1921 Samuel H. jeweller
1929 Samuel H. Ltd. jewellers