Thomas Appleyard approx 1550 ? unsure if this footprint or next door to the Barber properties
became Judges Lodgings during assizes prior to Judges Court. Mentioned in pageant records as a station
Along with 26 the home of the various permutations of Cattle, Barber, Whitwell and North for many years. Rented not bought, in 1802 showing as £45 per year
The buildings are mentioned in a number of deed and rental records
Richard Tireman
Edward Bell
Hampston, Prince, George Cattle
1808 Robert Cattle & James Barber
1823 Barber
1840 Barber and North Jewellers, watchmakers, Engravers
and Copper Plate Printers,
1851 Clarke & Perkins County Court Office
Thomas Gladin Silver Turner 25&26
1861 Heselgrave Robert, silversmith
1870-1900 Hamilton and Hall, grocer and Italian warehousemen
1900 Snarry, Madame, costumier
Hamilton & Hall, grocers, Italian warehousemen, and wine and spirit merchts.
1902 Snarry, Madame, costumier Hamilton & Hall, grocers, Italian warehousemen, and wine and spirit merchants
1905 Kelly’s
25 Hamilton & Hall, gros. &c
25A, Clarke & Mennell, solctrs
25A, Mennell George Henry