Crafting The Past

RefNo JC/1/174
Alternative Reference number JC/900/165 Title Lease from George Cooke then dwelling in Pontefract, citizen and hosier of the city of York, to Robert Wharfe alias Hallelay baker of the same and Ezabell his wife, of a messuage in Connistreete [Coney Street], for the term of their lives or of the survivor of them at an annual rent of 12s Description

Date: 4 Apr in the 19th year of Elizabeth.

Instead of Kirklande this deed mentions the tenement and lands of Roland Axbie as the southern boundary. Date 4 Apr [1577]

RefNo JC/1/180
Alternative Reference number JC/900/166
Charter confirming a grant from William Northe of Folshame [Foulsham] (Norfolk) husbandman and Ursula his wife, natural daughter of George Cooke of the city of York hosier to John Darley of the city of York, of a messuage in Connistreete [Coney Street] formerly in the tenure of Robert Wharfe alias Alleley and then in the tenure of Isabell Wharfe widow, in consideration of £20 Description
Date: 29 Jul in the 22nd year of Elizabeth, 1580.
The northern and western boundaries are here given as the house of John Darley and his garden.


Alternative Reference number JC/900/164
Charter confirming a grant from George Cooke of the city of York hosier to his natural daughter Ursula Cooke, of a messuage in Connistreete Coney Street, then in the tenure of Robert Allelye and late in the tenure of John Carr “cordyoner,” with remainder to the grantor’s son William Cooke                                             Description Date: 6 Sep in the 7th year of Elizabeth. Date 6 Sep [1565]

Ref NoJC/1/171
Alternative Reference number JC/900/157
Bond between John Cooke of Trinity College Cambridge, Bachelor of Theology, and John Darley of the city of York gentleman, in £200, to acquit the latter of any previous charges upon a house in Connistreete Coney Street and to make legal assurance if required
Description 12 Sep in the 16th year of Elizabeth.Date12 Sep [1574]

Ref No JC/1/170
Alternative Reference number JC/900/156
Deed of Bargain and Sale from John Cooke clerk, of Trinity College, Cambridge, Bachelor of Theology, to John Darley of the city of York gentleman, of a messuage with appurtenances in Connistrete [Coney Street] York, in the parish of Saint Martin, lying between the house of John Bilbowe and that in the tenure of Robert Wharfe alias Allelye, and abutting on the river Owze [River Ouse], late in the tenure of George Cooke. Power of attorney to John Standeven and Ingram Musgrave gentlemen, to deliver seisen Date 12 Sep [1574]

Ref JC/1/175
Alternative Reference number JC/900/158
Covenant between John Cooke of Trinity College Cambridge clerk Bachelor of Divinity, and John Darley of the city of York, to levy a fine on the property specified in JC/900/156 Coney York Description
Date: 11 Apr in the 19th year of Elizabeth 11 Apr [1577]



Ref No JC/1/143
Alternative Reference number
Lease from Thomas Appleyard “maior of the citty of Yorke [York], with the assent of the aldermen Sheriffes and xxiiii of the Counsell” to George Cooke “hosyar”, of a “mese” in Connistreete [Coney Street] then in the tenure of John Carr “Cordinar”, lying between the Kirklane, the “mese” of George Cooke, and the garth of George Cooke, for the terme of thirty years at an annual rent of 12s payable to “the Chamberlaynes of the said Cittye or to the Brigmaisters of Ouze Bridge”
Date: 24 Oct in the 5th year of Edward VI.
Date 24 Oct [1551]

Ref No JC/1/143
Alternative Reference number JC/900/161
Lease from Thomas Appleyard “maior of the citty of Yorke [York], with the assent of the aldermen Sheriffes and xxiiii of the Counsell” to George Cooke “hosyar”, of a “mese” in Connistreete [Coney Street] then in the tenure of John Carr “Cordinar”, lying between the Kirklane, the “mese” of George Cooke, and the garth of George Cooke, for the terme of thirty years at an annual rent of 12s payable to “the Chamberlaynes of the said Cittye or to the Brigmaisters of Ouze Bridge”

Description Date: 24 Oct in the 5th year of Edward VI. Date 24 Oct [1551]

Ref No JC/1/151
Alternative Reference number JC/900/161
Deed of Bargain and Sale, dated from the council chamber of the city of York on Ouse Bridge from Thomas Appleyard mayor, and the citizens of the city of York, to George Cooke hosier, in consideration of £12, of a messuage in Connistreete [Coney Street]. Power of Attorney to Thomas Appleyard junior and John Geldart, two of the chamberlains, to deliver seisinDate21 Mar [1562 – 1563]

Alternative Reference numberJC/900/155
TitleIndenture of Lease from John Cooke of “Trenitye Colledge in Cambridge Batcheler of devinitye” [Trinity College, Cambridge] to John Darley of the city of York gentleman, of a house in Connistreete [Coney Street] York, lying between the houses of Michell Brownerigge and Robert Wharfe, and abutting on the River Ouse, and formerly in the tenure of George Cooke, for a term of twenty one years at an annual rent of £4
DescriptionDate: 3 Oct in the 13th year of Elizabeth.
Date3 Oct [1571]
Alternative Reference numberJC/900/160
TitleMemorandum made by arbitrators unnamed, who were chosen to view a brick wall between the garden of John Darley in Cunnistreete [Coney Street] York and the garden of John Billowe
Date27 Mar 1578
Alternative Reference numberJC/900/168
TitleRecovery suffered by John Darley gentleman against Percival Levit plaintiff, in a messuage and garden in Connistreete [Coney Street] in the city of York
DescriptionDate: 12 Feb in the 23rd year of Elizabeth.

Thomas Metcalfe was attorney of John Darley, and Robert Clough of William North and Ursula his wife, who were vouchees. Robert Mawe and Leonard Best were sheriffs of Yorkshire.

An apparently irrelevant note follows to the effect that John Darley was allowed to continue building on an empty space, between his house late in the tenure of Christopher Metcalfe, and a tenement then in the tenure of Haxbye’s wife in the parish of Saint Martin’s, and next to a lane. Those who agreed to this, had a note made in the “Church booke.”
Date12 Feb [1580 – 1581]

Keele University Library
17 deeds and- r e l a t e d papers re 2 messuages and
lands i n Brearton, Yorks., ==led the Stenny
Raynes o r Stanney R a n t s , the Low Flat, Jenne
Dales, the two Esh o r Ash Bushes, Mosscarr and
the Ing Closes; farm i n Upper Dunsforth and
lands i n Brearton, Upper Dunsforth, Nether
Dunsforth and Branton; 2 messuages i n Coney
S t r e e t , York; and, a f t e r the enclosure of
Dunsforth town f i e l d s , Inhams Close, Inhams
Allotment (formerly p a r t of Hunday F i e l d ) ,
Moor Close, P r i e s t Lands, a l i a s Low Moor Close,
and Crakehaw o r Craker Close.
Parties: John Raper of York, gent., son of
Joseph Raper, John Read of York, esq.,
Henry Waite of York, cutler, Margaret
Waite, h i s daughter ( l a t e r Margaret
Raper), John Raper, jnr., of York,
l a t e r of Abberford, son of John and
Margaret Raper, Thomas Strangways of
Dyers Buildings, Holborn, London,
William Brooks of York, gent., Henry
Raper of York, merchant ( l a t e r alderman) and Joseph Raper of York, gent. ,
sons of John and Fargaret Raper, Ann
Lamplugh of York, spinster, Thomas
Lamplugh of Queens College, Oxford,
esq., Robert Belt of Bossall, esq.,
George Townend of York, gent. , Ann,
h i s wife, John Kendall, banker, of
London, l a t e r of Letherton i n the
parish of Sherburn, Honor, h i s wife,
Margaret Raper of Abberford, spinster,
l a t e r wife of John Henry Franks of
Misterton lodge, Leics., esq., and
John Raper, jnr. (Ann Townend,’Honor
Kendall and Marqaret and John Raper the
children of John and Ann Raper), Edward
Wolley of York, gent., Thomas Swann of
York, banker, Katherine Raper, wife of
John Raper, jnr., and Robert Inchboard
of Branton Green, yeoman.