Crafting The Past
48/10A coney street

48/10A Coney Street

1829 Confectioners Hick Joseph, 48 Coney street  

1840 Thomas Horsley Gunmaker

Confectioners Hick Joseph, 48 Coney street  

1851 Confectioners Hick Joseph,

1851 48 Thomas Horsley Gunmaker 

48 & 49 Taylor Thomas & Brothers, cabinetmakers & upholsterers

1861 48 Wright & Drayson, fancy trimming.department 

1876 48 & 49 Taylor Thomas & Brothers, cabinetmakers & upholsterers 

1861 48 & 49 Taylor Thomas, cabinet maker 

1876 48 & 49 Taylor Thomas & Brothers, cabinetmakers & upholsterers 

1885 48 & 49 Taylor John, cabinet maker & general furnisher 


1886 48 & 49 Taylor John, cabinet maker & general furnisher 

48-9 Taylor, L cabinet maker 

1893 48 & 49 Taylor John, house furnisher &c 

1895 48 & 49 Taylor John, cabinet maker   

1898 48 Brown Bros. & Taylor, Ltd., art cabinet manufacturers, house decorators, and undertakers

1900 48 Brown Bros. & Taylor, Ltd., cabinet makers, decorators and undertakers 

1902 48 Brown Bros. & Taylor, Ltd., cabinet makers, decorators and undertakers 

1905 48 Brown Bros. & Taylor Lim. house furnishers &c 

1913 48 Union of London & Smiths Bank Ltd. (Cecil Carter Foottit, manager)