Crafting The Past
Armourers fletchers candlemakers and other crafts on Coney Street York. Mainly medieval craftsmen and leather and metalcrafts


Thoma Hogeson

listed in 1462 pageant station with Robert Butler as joint payee station 6 paying 10s between them

registered as an apprentice in 1441

Roulando Robson

Listed in 1486 pageant station records station 7 paying 8s

registered in freeman records in 1471-1472 as apprentice i



Henrico Wodde ?-1529

listed in 1528 pageant station  station 6 paying 2s 4d

registered in the freeman records in 1505-06 as an apprentice wax chandler

Thomas Myddleton

registered as an apprentice in the freemans records in 1529-30.

Also listed in the deed records as taking a shop under the Red Hart and 3 tenements in 1552 with 3 other craftsmen



Roberto Butler

Listed as Spurrier in the pageant station records of 1462 and 1475

registered as a freeman by reason of patrimony in 1448-49. His father Thomas Butler was also a Spurrier, but unsure if on Coney Street

Johanne Wawdwyng

listed as Spurrier in pageant station records of 1475 paying for a station with Robert Butler

Registered as an apprentice in 1470-71, maybe to Roberto Butler ?
