Taken from the records of St Martin’s Coney Street
58. Premises on the site of 7 Coney St (see also F5
1. Lease and counterpart from the churchwardens to Peter Williamson of a messuage and garden for 21 years.
12 May 1585.
2. Lease from the feoffees to Peter Williamson of the abovepremises for 21 years. 7 June 1599.
3. Counterpart of lease from the feoffees to Peter Williamson
of the above premises 3 May 1617
4 Counterpart of lease from the feoffees to Peter Williamson and Robert Williamson of the above premises and a bond for
the performance of the covenants in the deed
28 July 1636.
5. Counterpart of lease from the feof fees to Mary Williamson of the above premises for 21 years.
10 May 1710.
6. Lease from the feoffees to Elizabeth Williamson of the above premises for 21 years 26 March 1729
7 Counterpart of lease from the feoffees to John Porter of the above premises for 25 years. John Porter also undertaking within 12 months to pull down 2 stables on
the premises and build a house at his own cost according to the dimensions shown in the plan attached 8 May 1771.
8 Lease from the feoffees to John Earnshaw of a messuage and shop with a back kitchen and warehouse, providing a stable, together with a tenement in the church land behind the messuage, lately occupied by Hannah Porter, widow of John Porter, and now by John Barker as undertenant to John Earnshaw, for 15 years.18 August 1795.
9. Counterpart of lease from the feoffees to John Earnshaw of the above premises for 50 years.13 May 1815.
10. Lease from the feoffees to Frederick Burridge of the above premises for 5 years. 27 July 1927
11. Counterpart of lease from the feoffees to Frederick Burridge of the above premises for 5 years 10 August 1932.
12. Counterpart of lease from the feoffees to Frederick Burridge and Kenneth Brown of the above premises for 10 years
3 August 1937.
13. Correspondence and papers relating to compensation in respect of war damage to 7 Coney Street. July 1946-May 1950
14. Letter to Mr Brown, tenant, discussing the future terms of his lease of the above premises 26 January 1950.
15. Lease from the feoffees to Monkgate and Jersey Dairy Co.Ltd., of the above premises for 5 years.
1 June 1953